Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars "Frontiers of Insect Virus Research Contributing to Pesticide Reduction and Training of Next Generation Researchers”

September 5, 2023

The Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) will hold a joint research seminar under the JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars "Frontiers of Insect Virus Research Contributing to Pesticide Reduction and Training of Next Generation Researchers”.

The seminar aims to discuss the common policy issues of the "Green Food System Strategy" in Japan and the "Farm to Fork Strategy" in the European Union, i.e., the future direction of biological control research to establish pest control technology as an alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides. The seminar also aims to foster the next generation of highly skilled and motivated researchers with expertise in this field.

In this seminar, Dr. Johannes Jehle, Director of the Biological Control Institute at the Julius Kuhn Institute of the German Federal Government, Dr. Joerg Wennmann, and Dr. Jiangbin Fan will give presentations. We also invite Dr. Tetsuo Wada (President of Japan IPM Systems Inc.), Dr. Rina Hamajima (Nagoya University), Dr. Ryuhei Kokusho (University of Tokyo), and Dr. Hiroyuki Hikida (Kyoto University) to introduce their research on the frontiers of virology.

Please join us!
We welcome to anyone attend. Free Admission.
Presentation will be spoken in English.

Date and Time
September 5, 2023 (Tuesday), 13:00-17:00

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu Campus
Auditorium, Main Building, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu Campus
Click here for transportation and campus map.

How to apply
Please register using the form below.

For details, please see the seminar flyer.
