
倉科 佑太 (Kurashina Yuta )

研究院 工学研究院
部門 先端機械システム部門
研究分野 ソフトロボティクス?バイオメディカルデバイス
キーワード ソフトマター,超音波,マイクロ?ナノ加工
URL https://web.jskrtf.com/~kurashina/


?2017年04月~2018年06月:慶應義塾大学 理工学部機械工学科 助教
?2018年07月~2022年03月:東京工業大学 物質理工学院材料系 助教
?2021年04月~2022年03月:文部科学省 科学技術?学術政策局 技術参与(兼任)
?2022年04月~現在:bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注-官网网站@大学院工学研究院 准教授


?2012年03月:慶應義塾大学 理工学部 機械工学科 卒業
?2014年03月:慶應義塾大学大学院 理工学研究科 修士課程 修了
?2017年03月:慶應義塾大学大学院 理工学研究科 博士課程 修了


?2015年:Best paper award, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
?2016年:【指導学生】ベストリサーチアワード, 日本生体医工学会
?2017年:Best Presentation Award, 19th International Conference on Ultrasonics
?2017年:【指導学生】 Best Poster Award, International Conference on Manufacturing, Design and Tribology
?2017年:オーディエン表彰,日本機械学会 機械力学?測定制御部門D&D Conference 2017 優秀発表者
?2020年:【指導学生】Outstanding Student Paper Award, International conference on micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS)


?Yuta Kurashina, Kenjiro Takemura*, Shogo Miyata, Jun Komotori, Tadayoshi Koyama, “Effective cell collection method using collagenase and ultrasonic vibration,” Biomicrofluidics, vol. 8, 054118, 2014.
?Yuta Kurashina, Kenjiro Takemura, James Friend*, “Cell agglomeration in a 24-well plate using acoustic streaming,” Lab on a Chip, vol. 17, pp. 876-886, 2017.
?Yuta Kurashina, Makoto Hirano, Chikahiro Imashiro, Kiichiro Totani, Jun Komotori, Kenjiro Takemura*, “Enzyme-free cell detachment mediated by resonance vibration with temperature modulation,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, vol. 114, no. 10, pp. 2279-2288, 2017.
?Yuta Kurashina, Tatsuya Yamashita, Shuichi Kurabayashi, Kenjiro Takemura, Keita Ando*, “Growth control of leaf lettuce with exposure to underwater ultrasound and dissolved oxygen supersaturation,” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, vol. 51, pp. 292–297, 2019.
?Yuta Kurashina*, Chikahiro Imashiro, Makoto Hirano, Taiki Kuribara, Kiichiro Totani, Kiyoshi Ohnuma, James Friend, Kenjiro Takemura*, “Enzyme-free release of adhered cells from standard culture dishes using intermittent ultrasonic traveling waves,” Communication Biology, vol. 2, no. 393, pp. 1–11, 2019.
?Yuta Kurashina, Ryo Sato, Hiroaki Onoe*, “Microfiber-shaped hepatic tissues with endothelial networks for constructing macroscopic tissue assembly,” APL bioengineering, vol. 3, pp. 046101, 2019
?Yuta Kurashina, Mio Tsuchiya, Atsushi Sakai, Tomoki Maeda, Yun Jung Heo, Filippo Rossi, Nakwon Choi, Miho Yanagisawa, Hiroaki Onoe*, “Simultaneous crosslinking induces macroscopically phase-separated microgel from a homogeneous mixture of multiple polymers,” Applied Materials Today, vol. 22, 100937, 1/2021
?Yuta Kurashina*, Risa Asano, Makoto Matsui, Takahiro Nomoto, Keita Ando, Kentaro Nakamura, Nobuhiro Nishiyama, Yoshitaka Kitamoto, “Quantitative analysis of acoustic pressure for sonophoresis and its effect on transdermal penetration,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 48, no. 5, 2022




To realize cutting-edge medical treatments such as drug delivery systems (DDS), regenerative medicine, and gene therapy, advanced engineering technology is required. Unlike conventional inorganic manufacturing, organic fabrication which involves the fusion of cells and tissues is required in the development of products to support such medical treatments.
Therefore, we are researching to develop soft robots that work in vivo, cellular tissues that contribute to regenerative medicine and drug discovery research, and devices that support medical treatment and cell culture. These research fields require materials and driving sources that are friendly to the body. Based on micro/nano engineering using MEMS and machining and mechanical mechanics using ultrasound, we are devising multi-scale "soft" robots from nano to macro scale. Specifically, we are researching a micro-sized hydrogel robot for simultaneous in vivo sensing and drug release (upper left in the figure), needle-less transdermal administration of nano-drugs using ultrasound (upper right in the figure), three-dimensional macroscopic cellular tissue constructed with hydrogel (lower left in the figure), and cell manipulation using ultrasound (lower right in the figure). Through such innovative fabrication, our goal is to establish new platforms for cutting-edge medical treatment, such as DDS, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.

The details of each project are as follows



By providing young researchers with a place to perform responsible research activities as an associate professor, I can prepare an environment that allows me to research mainly on my ideas. In addition, as a tenure-track faculty, I can keep myself motivated by setting goals for my research. Also, the faculty members support me very kindly, and I can enjoy my daily research activities. I will do my best.



My research field is multidisciplinary research in the fields of mechanical engineering, materials science, and life science. Since I am involved in research that integrates multiple fields, I would like to actively interact with researchers in various fields more than ever before to develop a variety of research. I hope that this will lead to innovations that are yet to be seen.
